The rubbish bin is needed globally because of the place to collect the rest of the rubbish. The rubbish
bin is available in the public area, home, and office. This study redesigned the Rubissh bin to make it
more ergonomic and efficient when used and recruited 100 students of Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku
Tambusai (45 female participants and 55 male participants) by measuring their anthropometry of the
human body. Anthropometric data measured in the form of Lebar Bahu (LB), Tinggi Kepalan Tangan
(TKT), Tinggi Pinggang Berdiri (TPB), Lebar Telapak Tangan (LTT), Lebar Telapak Kaki (LTK), and
Jangkauan Tangan Kedepan (JTD). After that, the data in the normality test can be seen that the chisquare
<chi square table, that mean is normally distributed. The uniformity test states that the 6
anthropometric data were uninformed, and the data sufficiency test shows that the results of data
processing were sufficient to represent all samples (N '<N). The results of testing and calculation of
percentiles can be measured in redesign ergonomic efficient rubbish bin based on anthropometric data
in the form of LB (P5: 34.61 cm), TKT (P95: 81.75 cm), TPB, (P95: 106.67 cm), LTT (P95: 10.28 cm),
LTK (P95: 11.95 cm), JTD (P95: 83.27 cm). Therefore, the redesign of the rubbish bin has been
determined in an ergonomic size so that it can be used practically, safely, and comfortably.
Keywords: Antropometric Data, Ergonomic, Redesign, Rubbish Bin.