Submision Description

  • Published Date: 15 Oct 2021
  • Modified Date: 15 Oct 2021

Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Konsultasi Gizi Kebugaran pada Atlet Karate Inkai Kampar


INKAI Kampar Karate Athlete College has been established since 1982 and has

10 black belted trainers. Karate INKAI Kampar consists of 5 branches, namely the

Bangkinang, Salo, SDIT, Kuok 1 and Kuok 2. The focus of the community service team

Tuanku Tambusai Hero University belongs to the karate athlete INKAI Kampar branch

Bangkinang, because every two weeks we practice at the Student Hall and Field

Bangkinang City, Kampar Regency. Based on the team's observations, each karate athlete

In practice, many street vendors are found selling sweet drinks and snacks

cold, various fast food such as grilled meatballs, kebabs, burgers and others at

Student Field. These foods and beverages do not have good nutritional quality

if consumed and can affect the health and physical fitness of athletes.

The service method is the Community development model, the socialization model and the

accompaniment. The service was carried out at the Bangkinang Student Field, followed by

coaches and athletes with the following results: 1) Partners' enthusiasm for socialization and training

what has been done, 2) Increased knowledge and skills of partners about

fitness nutrition

Conclusion of dedication to increase knowledge and skills of partners

about nutrition and fitness. Suggestions to partner colleges for karate athletes, Inkai Kampar, so that

can apply the knowledge that has been given